Hivac™7 Combination Hip Pack

Summit Medical Limited are pleased to announce the launch of the HiVac7 Combination Hip Pack Bone Cement Mixing and Delivery system. This pack includes the HiVac rotational axis vacuum mixing bowl and the HiVac7 syringe to make the pack ideally suited for cemented hips. The key advantages of HiVac7 combination pack are:

  1. Simple, easy to use with few components, training is minimised and consistent results easily achieved
  2. Cost saving one pack giving the surgeon the option of using a bowl for the acetabular cement and a delivery syringe for the femur
  3. Clear mixing devices allowing the clinician to visually assess the bone cement mix prior to delivery
  4. Optimum vacuum level of 550mmHg shown to be the optimal vacuum level to maximise the mechanical properties of the cement without causing excessive shrinkage
  5. Narrow delivery syringe in combination with an improved delivery gun which gives good feel during cement application, the narrow delivery syringe allows for high delivery pressures to be generated by the surgeon

The Hivac range of mixing and delivery devices is already widely used in orthopaedic theatres throughout the UK and internationally. Responding to customer feedback is core to Summits development agenda and the HiVac7 has been designed to incorporate all elements that were specified in focus group discussions with nurses, consultation with surgeons and procurement staff, and recommendations made by academic researchers.

The HiVac7 combination pack complements Summits existing range of bone cement mixing devices, which includes the HiVac Mixing and Delivery Syringe, The HiVac7 Triple Mix for up to 120g of Palacos, the HiVac MultiMix for up to 120g of Simplex and the HiVac MiniMix devices offering the users a device to suit all clinical applications and volumes of high, medium or low viscosity bone cement.