Surgilig™ Sales Outperform the Market

One of very few British independent medical device companies, Surgicraft is pleased to announce that one of their leading products, Surgilig, recorded impressive growth in all markets in 2009.

Specialising in the development and sale of a range of devices, Surgicraft, despite current market challenges, managed to increase sales of its shoulder product across the UK, Europe and Asia Pacific markets by nearly 50% in 2009. Surgilig is attracting interest from markets across the globe and prospects for 2010 are excellent.

Surgilig is a synthetic ligament used in acromio-clavicular reconstruction to replace the ligament and recreate the anatomy. The unique Surgilig implant is a quick and simple procedure to address;

  • Acromio-clavicular dislocation (acute and chronic)
  • Rockwood III, IV or V acromio-clavicular joint injuries
  • Lateral clavicle fractures
  • Failures of previous stabilisation procedures.