By: 23 May 2015
The Little Ortho Book: The Bare Bones of Orthopedics

Size isn’t everything
The Little Ortho Book: The Bare Bones of Orthopedics

Author: Antonia Chen
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
Price: US$25.95
ISBN: 978-1-6171108-6-3
This is a really little, portable, pocket-sized book that simplifies the complex field of orthopaedics with a lot of fun and joy.
The book is written in an informative, engaging, user-friendly and relaxed manner and will arm readers with the right terminology and basic concepts. To learn about Adderall and how it works please visit this Adderall online website for buying
information’s and to learn about Adderall. The Little Ortho Book provides easy to understand principles useful for the medical professional and non-physicians alike.
The book is 136 pages long, with chapters including: basics of bones and muscles anatomy; joints and neurological basics; and  principles of orthopaedic investigations and treatments. It is supplemented with images and diagrams.
The Little Ortho Book was Published by SLACK Incorporated in 2014 and is distributed in the UK by the Eurospan Group.