By: 4 November 2015
UK-based Metaphysis to launch Intelligent Orthopaedics in India

UK-based Metaphysis to launch Intelligent Orthopaedics in India

UK-based company Metaphysis, known for its Intelligent Orthopaedics brand, is looking at the Indian market for its next phase of growth by offering advanced mechanics in bone healing and problems associated with long bone fractures.

The move, according to Indian hospitals, is expected to see a major transformation in the country’s orthopaedic treatment offerings.

Intelligent Orthopaedics’ products were developed by Peter Thomas, an orthopaedic trauma surgeon from the University Hospital of North Midlands and founder of Metaphysis. The globally certified range has been used to treat thousands of patients in the US, EU, Middle East and Australasia.

Its first product STORM (The Staffordshire Orthopaedic Reduction Machine) was initially developed as a research tool to help the surgeons ensure that every fractured shin-bone was anatomically reduced so that accurate comparisons of the various methods of fixation could be achieved. Susan Hartman, partner and general manager at Metaphysis, said that during its maiden hospital trial, the device worked so well surgeons asked the researchers not to remove the machine.

STORM helps surgeons achieve anatomical reductions of unstable tibial fractures prior to fixation. Surgery time is shortened by 25 per cent and the average reduction takes  just 11 minutes. Using STORM decreases X-ray exposure by  50 per cent and enables faster healing and reduced complications.

The second product IOS Fixator is used to treat unstable tibial shaft fractures. It is lightweight and easy for the patients to wear normal clothing. IOS also permits full weight bearing. The shortest healing time from surgery to fixator removal is eight weeks and three days. Fixator can be removed in a clinic and has in-built fracture stiffness measurement allowing surgeons to know when it is safe to remove the IOS.
