8-10 September 2016 – 37th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress, Rome
Welcome message from the President:
Dear colleagues and friends,
Welcome to Rome for the 37th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress!
After 80 years, International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT) returns to Italy: in 1936, under the Presidency of Prof Vittorio Putti, SICO held its 3rd Triennial Meeting in Bologna and Rome and from then on became known as SICOT by adding the T for Traumatology to its name.
Since then the Society has grown significantly and advanced into more regions around the globe. Its Congress has been held in different countries “to bring together all those devoted to orthopaedics throughout the world”. Now after so many years the Society has decided that Italy should host its Congress again and it is for me, as the President of the Congress, a great pleasure to invite all of you, from so many different countries, to Rome, following the dreams of the Society’s founders. Many years have passed since they decided to get together “in order to contribute to a more rapid progress and a wider spreading of orthopaedic studies”. Techniques, procedures and technologies have changed dramatically and they continue to change, making it fundamental to interact with other orthopaedic surgeons from diverse cultures and with different experiences to constantly improve our knowledge.
The meeting will cover all the most debated and controversial issues in different fields of orthopaedics, both for trauma and reconstruction, with symposia, instructional courses, podium presentations and invited lectures. Particular attention will be given to young orthopaedic surgeons with dedicated sessions aimed at improving not only their knowledge but also their skills in surgical procedures with “hands-on laboratories”. All members of the scientific committee will be dedicated to putting together a very comprehensive and varied scientific programme which will make the Congress unforgettable and worth attending for all delegates.
The social programme will allow you to enjoy the “Eternal City” with its thousands of years of history, art and architecture. You will be able to create amazing memories at breathtaking venues of the cradle of culture: the Colosseum, Vatican City, Trevi Fountain and the Spanish steps are only some of the incredible masterpieces that will be included in tours for delegates and accompanying persons.
A golf tournament will be held at the oldest Italian golf club with more than 100 years of history and located in the beautiful countryside outside the city.
For those who wish to do some more travelling before or after the Congress, Italy has some of the most important historical and tourist sites: Sicily with Taormina and Ragusa, Naples with Pompeii and Capri, Florence with Siena and San Gimignano, Venice and Verona will offer you a wealth of extraordinary sights and make the 37th SICOT Congress really memorable.
I look forward to seeing you all in Rome.
Francesco Falez
Congress President
37th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress
Venue: Rome Marriott Park Hotel & Convention Centre
Congress Secretariat
SICOT aisbl
Rue de la Loi 26 – b.13
1040 Brussels | Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 648 68 23
Fax: +32 2 649 86 01
E-mail: congress@sicot.org
Website: http://www.sicot.org/rome