By: 13 December 2017
15 May 2018, Imaging of orthopaedic implants; Oswestry

Course Objectives: This course will review the imaging of orthopaedic implants. It will address when, why and how to image and will review specific implant and implantation related problems in the most commonly treated joints / body areas. The lectures will be given by radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons. Tutorials will consolidate the contents of the lectures by discussing specific cases in depth. During the entire course a particular emphasis will be on discussion of the complex field occupying the borderlands of radiology and orthopaedics.


Target Audience:   Orthopaedic and Radiology Registrars; Radiographers; Consultants in Radiology and Orthopaedics; Allied Health Professions with an interest in orthopaedic implant imaging.


Topics covered include:

• Imaging techniques and their role in orthopaedic imaging in particular image optimisation especially for CT and MRI.

• Nuclear Medicine and its role in orthopaedic imaging especially in infection.

• Imaging strategies and findings for common implant pathologies especially infection and, sterile loosening and their differential diagnosis.

• Implant technology has led to a bewildering number of materials and designs. The reasons for this will be explored and strengths and particularly weaknesses and typical complications will be demonstrated by an engineer and orthopaedic surgeon.

• The typical problems and complications of orthopaedic implants in the most relevant areas will be reviewed by a team of an orthopaedic surgeon specialised in this area and a radiologist. • Implant related problems especially soft tissue problems such as bursitis, nerve injury and muscle and tendon problems.

RCR and BOA CPD Credits applied for.

For further information and to book your place visit or contact Sian Jones Email or Tel: 01691 404661