By: 18 June 2019
Confirmed speakers for the Orthopaedic Knee Conference 2019

OPN are pleased to confirm a selection of high profile speakers from the knee industry, who will be attending this year’s event on 1 November 2019 in Leeds.

Orthopaedic Product News welcomes orthopaedic experts and industry leaders to Yorkshire for a day full of debate and discussion. This year’s meeting with discuss a range of topics, including: Training and development; Improving surgical and clinical outcomes; Soft tissue knee injuries and; Developments in arthroplasty.

Become part of this year’s programme by submitting an abstract for either a podium or poster presentation based on your research of the knee. Send your 400-word abstract to by the deadline of 30 August 2019.

Whether you’re an orthopaedic knee surgeon, medical professional, phd student, medical device manufacturer, or in another related field, this is an essential event for your diary. Register today to secure your place at 

Confirmed speakers include:

Leela Biant

Leela chaired the conference last year and we welcome her back again to speak about her current research. Leela is the Academic Head of Dept Trauma & Orthopaedics University of Manchester, Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Manchester University Foundation Trust, Honorary Professor at Salford University.

Leela trained in London, with fellowships in Sydney and London. She spent eight years as T&O Surgeon in Edinburgh before moving to Manchester in 2016.

Her thesis was on Articular Cartilage Injuries in the Young Adult Knee. She was an ABC Fellow in 2010, and has won multiple awards for research. She has been peer-selected as one of the global top 15 cartilage repair surgeons to attend summits on advancing the science and surgery of cartilage repair, is an elected ICRS Senior Fellow, and founded the ICRS Global non-arthroplasty patient registry. Leela is a Lifetime Honorary Fellow of the Biological Knee Society in recognition of her work in this field.

Her clinical and research interests are in cartilage assessment and repair, biological regenerative surgery and arthroplasty. She currently serves as BASK Treasurer, ICRS Board and Chair of the Registry Committee, and on the British Orthopaedic Association Research Committee. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles, and has authored many books including the latest edition of Grays Anatomy.

Mike Reed

Professor Mike Reed is a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon for Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Following medical school in Newcastle and his MD in Sheffield, Mike trained in trauma and orthopaedics in the North of England, and completed fellowships in New Zealand. 

Currently, he is a full-time hip and knee replacement surgeon, with trauma commitments within a busy Trauma Unit.

At Trust level, Mike has run improvement programmes in hip fracture care, infection prevention and enhanced recovery. He is the Clinical Director at Northumbria leading a high performing team, supported by a group of committed and talented colleagues. 

His research, supported by industry, charity and government funding, focuses on clinical outcomes and on his specialist interest in infection prevention, diagnosis and management. With Northumbria, he is leading large national collaboratives on hip fracture care and enhanced recovery. In addition, Mike supervises basic science research at Newcastle University, which focuses on vitamin D and infection. He is also Chief Investigator for clinical trials on clinical outcomes and infection prevention at the Universities of York and Oxford. 

Keith Tucker

Keith is Chairman of ODEP and the Beyond Compliance advisory group and a member of the NJR Implant performance committee. He is also a member of the BOA/MHRA advisory committee on the problems of metal-on-metal articulation.

He was a consultant orthopaedic surgeon employed at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital between 1978-2012 and is now consulting independently.

Past achievements include secretary and president of the British Hip Society, a member of the National Joint Registry (NJR) Steering Committee and chairman of the NJR Implant performance committee. He has been an ODEP member of the Implant Performance committee since 2014 and continues to be a member of NORE committee.

Keith has also authored and co-authored on numerous papers in general orthopaedics, with a particular emphasis on hip replacement.  

Nick London

Nick London is a specialist knee surgeon with particular expertise in sports injuries and knee replacement surgery. 

Following training at Cambridge University, a Yorkshire surgical rotation and a Fellowship year in Australia, he was appointed Consultant in Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery at Harrogate District Hospital in 2000 and maintains a busy and active NHS practice. In addition to clinical practice he has extensive teaching, training, development and research commitments.

He has extensive experience performing hundreds of ACL reconstructions and thousands of arthroscopic surgeries and knee replacements (from partial replacements through to complex revision procedures) since his appointment as a Consultant in 2000. The ability to manage all orthopaedic knee conditions from those developing in children and adolescents, through sports injuries in athletes of all abilities (elite professionals to ‘weekend warriors’) and ultimately to knee replacement in patients with severe arthritis is crucial to providing a complete service. In addition to working with elite sportsmen he has a particular interest in managing the young, active patient with arthritis and works with the orthopaedic industry to develop and evaluate the latest treatments and techniques.

Mr London lectures and teaches about knee surgery procedures and developments worldwide. This includes convening regular workshops in the UK and across Europe to train consultant colleagues and senior trainees. He regularly hosts visiting surgeons interested in learning specialised surgical procedures.

Mike McNicholas

Mike is the confirmed chairman of this year’s event and he will also be one of the speakers within the programme. 

Mike McNicholas is a Consultant Major Trauma and Specialist Knee Surgeon with a supraregional referral practice at the University Hospital Aintree in Liverpool, Major Trauma Centre for the Cheshire and Mersey Region. 

He has been an Honorary Professor at the University of Salford from 2006 to 2018, Honorary Senior Lecturer at The University of Liverpool since 2014. From 2008 to 2016 he was a founding Director of a company delivering tactical trauma training for tactical firearms, public order, counter terrorism and SOCA units and fire and rescue services from first aid at work to enhanced D13 levels. In 2013 he was the First Chairman of the NorthWest Firearms Collaborative Clinical Governance Committee and member until 2016 providing clinical governance for 6 Tactical Firearms Units.

He is a clinician advisor to NICE and associate editor of The Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma and reviewer for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Medical Research Council, the Bone and Joint Journal and The British Medical Journal and several orthopaedic journals. 

Current research interests include stem cell applications in knee injury, outcomes following arthroplasty, ligament reconstruction, osteotomy and the treatment of focal articular cartilage defects and early arthritis using novel implants, osteotomy and offloading devices. Mike also focuses great interest on outcomes for complex trauma of the lower limb, such as high energy fractures treated by Ilizarov external fixation frames, multiligament injuries and dislocations of the knee and the surgical treatment of gunshot wounds.

Deiary Kader

Professor Deiary Kader FRCS (Tr&Orth) MFSEM (UK), Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon, Complex Knee Surgeon.

Professor Kader is an accomplished knee surgeon, researcher, academic, educationalist, humanitarian and a specialist surgeon for the International Committee of the Red Cross.

He is a fellowship trained knee and sport medicine surgeon with an extensive experience in knee ligament reconstruction, primary/revision knee arthroplasty, multillig reconstruction and patellofemoral joint instability. After completing orthopaedic training in Scotland and knee fellowship in Sydney/Australia and Newcastle in 2005, he was invited to accept a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon post at the QEH NHS trust in Gateshead and to become a team doctor for Newcastle United football club. This gave him an opportunity to care for professional athletes and obtain the membership of the faculty of sport and exercise medicine in the UK.

In August 2015 he was appointed as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon with special interest in complex knee surgery at South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre (SWLEOC) in Epsom, where he is currently the deputy medical director of the centre.

He is also a visiting professor in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences in Northumbria University and oversees the academic activates at the academic surgical unit at SWLEOC/Epsom. In the past 11 years he has developed an extensive interest in research and postgraduate training and published more than 100 scientific papers, book chapters and articles. He is editor in chief of two journals and associate editor of many prestigious national and international journals.

He is member of the  Royal College of Surgeons (RCSEng) quality assessment panel and  appointments advisory  committee (AAC), Vice president of BOSTAA ( British Orthopaedic Sports Trauma and Arthroscopic Association) and FRCS Tr&Orth examiner (JCIE-RCS)

Since 2010 he has been dedicating a significant amount of his time for humanitarian work with NGMV medical charity ( and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (

Dinesh Nathwani

Mr Dinesh Nathwani is a Consultant, Hon Senior Clinical Lecturer and Head of Orthopaedics at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.He has a keen clinical and research interest in technology assisted knee surgery and has used Navigation and Robotics for all his partial and Total knee replacements since being appointed as a substantive Knee Consultant at Imperial College Healthcare in 2004. This was following a fellowship in Knee Navigation techniques in Perth, Western Australia. He is involved in trials for novel cartilage resurfacing implants, customised and robotically assisted knee replacements. His main focus is in delivering precise execution of surgical plans and bone conserving knee replacement using technology.

He is a programme committee member of the Computer assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS) International and executive committee member and President Elect of CAOS UK. He is Orthopaedic research advisor for the Hamlyn Centre of Robotics at Imperial College and one of the Key European Opinion Leaders in Robotic Knee Surgery. He is one of the few surgeons in the UK to have current clinical experience and access to both systems presently available to orthopaedic surgeons. He is faculty member on several national and international knee reconstruction course teaching surgeons of all grades including the International Navio cadaveric instructional course in London.

He is reviewer for several Orthopaedic Journals including British Bone & Joint Journal, American Journal of Sports Medicine, The Knee, and Injury.

Register today

The Orthopaedic Knee Conference 2019 is FREE for qualified medical professionals to attend. For service providers and all others delegates, tickets are priced at £250 +VAT.

For ticket enquiries please email

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For all the latest updates and details about submitting an abstract visit