Mr Lennard Funk

Manchester Sports Medicine Clinic

Q: How much of your surgery is done arthroscopically?

A: More than 80% of my surgery is done arthroscopically. Basically all my elective surgery is arthroscopic, other than shoulder replacements.

Q: How did you first become aware of Viscoseal?

A: I was always concerned about bursal adhesions following arthroscopic Subacromial decompressions and also aware of the literature on the damage large amounts of irrigation fluids caused to cartilage. Therefore, both the theoretical and research benefits of Viscoseal appealed to me. I was also pleasantly surprised by the improved pain relief with Viscoseal use and have continued to use it for this purpose as well.

Q: What were your first impressions of Viscoseal when you introduced it into your post-operative treatment regime?

A: I initially noticed no benefit, however my anaesthetist and the ward staff did notice improved pain relief and earlier discharge when we used Viscoseal in addition to intra-articular Marcain. This encouraged me to set up a randomised trial.

Q: Q: Has the inclusion of Viscoseal in the majority of your surgical procedures impacted on patient management in any way?

A: The average time to discharge has reduced with Viscoseal when used in addition to an intra-articular local anaesthetic. We have also found that there is less rebound pain with Viscoseal in patients who have an interscalene block for their surgery. There has been less need for additional oral analgesia in the first few days after surgery and we found that the outcome scores (Constant scores) were slightly higher at three weeks post-op in patients who had Viscoseal.
Personally, I would insist on having Viscoseal instilled for my arthroscopic surgery.

Q: Does the inclusion of Viscoseal at the end of surgery add significantly to the time each operation takes?

A: No, it takes a couple of seconds.

Q: How do you instil the Viscoseal?

A: Usually via a syringe attached to the trochar bridge. It can also be injected following closure.

Q: Have you had any adverse events or post-operative problems that you’d attribute to the use of Viscoseal?

A: None at all. It appears to be very well tolerated.