New study to improve fracture care pathways for patients with dementia
A leading new study taking place at the University of East Anglia (UEA) is set to address recent reports about the treatment of hip fracture patients with dementia.
The PERFECTED (Peri-operative Enhanced Recovery hip FracturE Care of paTiEnts with Dementia) study, led by Chris Fox, is funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and investigates how better standards of care for patients with dementia can be implemented across the NHS.
Dementia affects approximately 850,000 people in the UK and this figure has been predicted to hit the one million mark by 2025. Research suggests that 20 per cent of the population aged 80 and over will develop the condition. Recovery from injuries such as hip fracture can be made more difficult when the patient has dementia as they are exceptionally vulnerable and at high risk of serious complications.
Taking into consideration the needs of patients, families and staff, the five-year PERFECTED research programme tests evidence-based approaches to the physical and mental health treatment given to hospital patients with dementia.
Ultimately, an enhanced recovery pathway (ERP) will be created to determine the best care plan for those with memory difficulties. Different stages of the evaluation, including pilot testing of the ERP, have been taking place on dementia wards at a number of hospitals across the country, including that of the lead site at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
“Better standards of care can and must be implemented across the NHS,” said Fox, explaining the significance of the study. “NHS Service redesign such as PERFECTED can save money and improve quality but much depends on how care is co-ordinated and the way services are implemented in a local setting.
“We are breaking new ground in relation to how Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) representatives are involved in assisting research. PERFECTED is a leader in enabling PPI members to work with team members in data collection and analysis activities. PPI is important because clinicians and academics who run, manage and collect evidence for research may overlook the ways in which the research and hospital setting impact upon patients and their families.”
Source: Eurekalert
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