By: 13 January 2016
4-6 July 2016 – Tissue & cell engineering society annual meeting, London

4-6 July 2016 – Tissue & cell engineering society annual meeting

The 16th Annual Meeting of the TCES at UCL will bring together the UK research community in cell and tissue engineering, with exciting national and international speakers. Our themed sessions cover diverse new approaches and attitudes to the field; for example, the potential of mathematical and physical sciences to direct tissue engineering and regenerative medicine research, through to clinical and commercial translation.

Scientific sessions: guideline

1. Mathematical modelling in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

2. Clinical and commercial translation

3. Building tissues and organs

4. Cellular therapies

5. Engineered tissue models

Social Programme

4th July:

Drinks reception at UCL and pub crawl in the Bloomsbury area

5th July:

Drinks reception and after dinner talk by Prof. Mark Miodownik (UCL Mechanical Engineering) at the Royal College of Surgeons (including unlimited access to the Hunterian Museum – one of the oldest collections of anatomical, pathological and zoological specimens in the UK)

Tissue & cell engineering society annual meeting

4-6 July 2016

Venue: UCL, London

