By: 16 March 2016

5-6 September 2016 – Damage control orthopaedic trauma surgery, London

Be better prepared to manage severely injured patients in difficult and challenging, time-critical circumstances. Using unembalmed cadavers in the Colleges’ state-of-the-art education and training facilities, you will learn the strategies, tactics and skills required to manage severely injured patients in difficult and challenging, time-critical circumstances, applicable in major trauma centres and trauma units where patients in extremis require immediate intervention.


The aim of the  course is to advance surgical standards in the management of polytrauma  developing awareness of, and experience in, the latest surgical techniques in managing life threatening musculoskeletal injuries with the emphasis on rapid control and resuscitation of exsanguinating haemorrhage.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of resuscitation of the severely injured patient
  • Safely practise state of the art techniques to establish haemostasis and damage control
  • Perform primary surgical stabilisation of complex open fractures in cadaveric simulation
  • Gain rapid vascular control in the actively bleeding patient in cadaveric simulation, both in terms of first aid and in actively assisting other members of the team
  • Work effectively and efficiently in the trauma team with other specialists e.g. general and vascular surgeons and anaesthetists

This course provides broad coverage of the ISCP T&O curriculum as well as having strong links to the OCAP – Orthopaedic Competence Assessment Project framework.

Event Title:  Damage Control Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery

Date:  5 – 6 September 2016

External Links:


Tel: 020 7869 6300