Arthrex SutureTapeTM: Feels flat-out better than a round suture
SutureTape is a revolutionary suture. It is a #2 suture which transitions into a 1.3mm flat braided tape. SutureTape has a similar strength to #2 FiberWire but it is 21% more resistant to tissue pull through. SutureTape is compatible with both the new 2.4mm knotless PushLock anchor and 2.9mm Biocomposite Short PushLock for the perfect combination of a bone-preserving knotless anchor with a broad 1.3mm SutureTape. Significantly, SutureTape can also be used to tie sliding knots and has a smaller and tighter knot stack than a traditional #2 suture. Arthrex’s knotted Corkscrew FT and SutureTak anchors will soon be available loaded with SutureTape – conferring all the great benefits of superior tissue pull through resistance and greater knot security to our knotted anchor portfolio. Both the tape body and suture tail ends can be passed with any Scorpion suture passer.
Superior Capsular Reconstruction – Minimally invasive treatment of previously irreparable cuffs
The Arthrex Superior Capsular Reconstruction technique was developed with design surgeon Tiru Mihata (patents pending). The technique addresses irreparable supraspinatus tears by reconstruction of the superior capsule utilising the ArthroFlex graft. The Arthroflex 3.5mm graft is twice the thickness of traditional dermal allografts, developed specifically for SCR with over 5000 implantations worldwide since 2013. The technique involves placement of BioComposite SutureTak anchors on the superior glenoid and FiberTape-loaded BioComposite SwiveLock anchors spanning the margin of the tuberosity. Graft measurement is performed with the SCR probe before graft introduction through the 12mm SCR PassPort cannula using a double-pulley technique. The SL Scorpion suture passer is used to complete the repair with a SpeedBridge construct laterally and side-to-side sutures to the infraspinatus with SutureTape. The final construct recentres the humeral head, balances the force couples and allows the shoulder to function with greatly reduced pain.
The Knee ScorpionTM
The Knee Scorpion is the latest generation of suture passer specifically optimised in size for knee surgery. Ideal for all-suture repairs of vertical and radial tears. At just 3.2mm height and with a 5° up tip, the low-profile jaw can easily access many tears and offers the possibility of repair using a simple suture-only technique with #2-0 FiberWire. The Knee Scorpion also provides options for meniscal root repair. A #0 FiberWire suture may be either passed directly or used as a shuttle to pass a suture or tape of choice. This opens up the option to fix the root using the latest generation of SutureTape without the need for a bulky passing device. The reduced size of the Knee Scorpion makes it easier to reach medial root tears with minimal need for notchplasty or partial PCL debridement.
Arthrex ACP® Double Syringe
Autologous blood products like blood plasma have created a growing interest for use in a number of orthopaedic therapies. The effects of plasma are supported by growth factors released by platelets. The Arthrex ACP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) double-syringe system is used for sterile separation of nonhomogenous liquids. This device will allow the withdrawal of blood from the human body using a commercially available cannula with Luer Lock connection. ACP produces a plasma-based, leucocyte-low pure PRP concentrate.
Knotless Syndesmosis TightRope®
The Knotless Syndesmosis Tightrope provides fixation of syndesmosis disruption, with or without associated ankle fractures. The Knotless Syndesmosis Tightrope comprises a #5 UHMWPE, which when tensioned and secured between metallic buttons (either titanium or stainless steel) and placed against the tibia and fibula, provides physiological stabilisation of the ankle mortise.
- No need for routine screw removal
- Eliminates broken screw complications
- Achieves strong and anatomical fixation
- Biomechanical testing and clinical results have shown equivalent strength and improved patient outcomes
Reference: Laflamme, M., Belzile, E.L., Bedard, L., et al. (2014) A prospective randomised multicentre trial comparing clinical outcomes of patients treated surgically with a static or dynamic implant for acute ankle syndesmosis rupture. J. Orthopaedic Trauma
Arthrex Ltd
E: stephen.smith@arthrex.co.uk
T: +44 (0)1142 329180