The Fragility Fracture Network (FFN) invites you to join the 8th FFN Global Congress 2019 in Oxford, UK from 28–30 August. The annual meeting is an international congress addressing the full pathway of care for fragility fracture patients. The FFN Global Congress consists of invited talks from international experts, plenary discussions, interactive update sessions and free papers. The congress provides a unique platform to learn about new technical developments, state-of-the-art interventions and international research and to interact with leading clinicians, researchers and other professional health workers and stake holders.
About the Fragility Fracture Network
Our mission is to optimise globally the multidisciplinary management of the patients with a fragility fracture, including secondary prevention.
Our Goals
• To create a global network of national alliances of fragility fracture activists
• To spread globally the best multidisciplinary practice and systems of care for managing fragility fractures
• To ensure that every fragility fracture becomes an opportunity for systematically preventing further fracture
• To promote research aimed at improving the quality of fragility fracture care
• To generate political priority for fragility fracture care in all countries
In the next five years, the FFN strategic focus will be to facilitate national (or regional) multidisciplinary alliances which lead to:
• Consensus guidelines
• Quality standards
• Systematic performance measurement for the care of older
people with fragility fracture
28-30 August 2019
8th Fragility fracture network international meeting
Venue: Oxford, UK