Symbios, Yverdon, Switzerland, and Symbios UK Ltd are delighted to announce the continued development of its 3D planning software which now fully supports the companys entire implant strategy for accurate pre- operative planning and reconstruction of the hip joint.

Developed over the past 7 years, involving our resident software engineers, the project has evolved from the vast experience Symbios has gained during the design, manufacture and implantation of over 9,000 custom hip prosthesis since 1989. Many of these cases being complex dysplasias, planned from CT scans. The reported results have been hugely encouraging, Wettstein et Al. reporting 100% survivorship at 94.9 months (CORR 2005).

Validation of the pre- operative planning process during routine 3D templating pre- operatively (JBJS- Br Vol. 91- B, No 3, March 2009, published over 90% reproducibility, Implant pre- plan vs. Implant actual. The software is affordable, transportable across multiple clinical commitments and a real alternative to navigated hip surgery optimising component positioning.

The SPS prosthesis, with Interchangeable neck/ trunion Modularity and modular hard bearings is driving the pace of the software development programme. The SPS implant range offers the surgeon unprecedented choice to accurately and promptly reconstruct the hip joint, minimising joint replacement complications through impingement, dislocation, offset and leg length discrepancies. The SPS modular system captures much of what bespoke implants can offer, but in an affordable and convenient off the shelf offering.