Hot on the heels of the first successful collaboration between the four NHS procurement hubs comes the decision to develop a Total Orthopaedic Solutions framework agreement.
The four Hubs – North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOECPC), NHS London Procurement Partnership (LPP), NHS Commercial Solutions and East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub (EOE CPH) – plan to develop, award and deliver this next initiative by January 2015.
Keith Rowley, NOE CPC Managing Director, says “a key objective of this collaboration is to build on the work we have collectively undertaken in other NHS procurement categories and continue to avoid duplication of effort.”
Marc Osborne, of LPP, says, “We are seeking to award a total solutions framework agreement that for the first time will see contract coverage across the hubs’ membership including product areas not previously taken to market. Our priority will be to deliver benefits and solutions for our respective hub members but we will be structuring the framework agreement so that it can apply nationally, further simplifying procurement in this category.”
The scope of the project is being developed by a cross-hub group established to run this collaboration. The group anticipates that the framework agreement will include a number of lots including lower limb arthroplasty; orthopaedic extremities ; orthopaedic trauma, implants and consumables; spine; arthroscopy/sports medicine; orthopaedic power tools; bone preparation and enhanced recovery systems.
The Framework will also look to address solutions with regards to managed services solutions and value added proposals.
David John, Chief Executive of EOE CPH concludes: ”By working together, and combining national buying power with our strong regional and local engagement, we can deliver highly competitive agreements that really meet the needs of the NHS, of suppliers and above all of patients.”