By: 14 April 2016
20–21 January 2017 – FRCS (Tr and Orth) Viva Course for Orthopaedic Surgeons, London

20–21 January 2017 – FRCS (Tr and Orth) Viva Course for Orthopaedic Surgeons, London

The aim of this course is to enable orthopaedic surgeons to explore the broad range of orthopaedics required for the FRCS (Tr & Orth) examination in a friendly atmosphere, with particular attention being paid to viva (oral examination) technique.

This course is unique in that in addition to viva techniques there will be an opportunity for the candidates to be taught clinical examination skills (on non patients), and practice in the approach to short cases and intermediate cases. Furthermore, the course will not only help your career by aiming for success at the exam but the enhanced  clinical examination and viva skills learnt will benefit your practice.


  • Introduction to the FRCS (Tr & Orth) Examination
  • Negotiating the Requirements of the Course/Introduction to Positive Critiquing
  • Clinical Examination Session – History Taking

Learning outcomes

Delegates will learn how to present knowledge in a logical and systematic fashion, and to demonstrate their ability to use that knowledge in a meaningful way.

At the end of the course participants should have a clear understanding of the areas of their knowledge and understand techniques that require further development. Participants will develop their ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in an oral examination setting.

23–24 September 2016

20–21 January 2017

FRCS (Tr and Orth) Viva course for orthopaedic surgeons

Venue: Royal College of Surgeons, London


Tel: 020 7869 6300

Website: Royal College of Surgeons