8–13 January 2017, Oswestry Intensive Course in Basic Science in Orthopaedics; Oswestry
This popular course covers all the topics required for the basic science part of the FRCS (Tr & Orth) examination, but also other relevant topics for the viva examination. It is for orthopaedic trainees who are seeking a strong foundation in basic orthopaedic sciences and for those trainees who are preparing for the FRCS (Tr & Orth)examinations. Subjects covered on the course include: Biomechanics and Tutorials; Bone and Cartilage Biology; Bone Tumours and Pathology; Clinical Neurophysiology; Clotting and DVT; Foot and Ankle Biomechanics; Fracture Healing; FRCS Viva tutorials; Gait Analysis; Hip and Knee Biomechanics; Metabolic Bone Disease; Orthotics and Prosthetics; Upper Limb Biomechanics; Spine Mechanics; Skeletal Dysplasias; Statistics Tutorial; Surgical Site Infection/Theatre Design.
The course fee of £940 is inclusive of the new edition of the Basic Science for FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) and the Medical Statistics Book. There will be a Course Dinner on Tuesday 10th January 2017.
Delegates can choose to pay for the course in one payment or 4 x installments of £235 before attending. There is a discounted fee for Oswestry/Stoke trainees of £450 and installments of £100 and £50 can be paid. There is an option for delegates to pay £200 to attend on one day of their choosing of the course if they do not wish to attend for the whole week.
For further information please contact Alison Whitelaw on 01691 404661 or email alison.whitelaw@rjah.nhs.uk
Programme available and registration for the course can be done via our website www.orthopaedic-institute.org