By: 5 January 2017
16 March 2017 – Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury  Symposium; Oswestry

Organised by the Orthopaedic Institute, the Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Symposium – Diagnosis, Management and Outcomes will take place is Oswestry on Thursday 16th March 2017 at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

5 CPD Credits awarded by the Royal College of Physicians

Target Audience:  Consultants and Trainees in Orthopaedics; Neurosurgery; Intensive Care; Trauma Centres; Accident and Emergency and Spinal Injury; Healthcare professionals and ambulance personnel with an interest in spinal cord injury

Registration Fee £75

Organising Committee:  Professor Wagih El Masri(y), Mr Martin McClelland FRCS, Professor James Richardson



8.30-9.00  Registration

9.00-9.05  Welcome

9.05-9.30  Applied Anatomy: Spine and spinal cord clinical; Implications of cord damage   Dr J Delieu

9.30- 9.55  Pre-hospital care of the acutely injured   Mr P Harrison

10.00-10.25  Subtle clinical diagnostic signs in the semi-conscious and unconscious patient and pitfalls in the management of the acutely injured patient with cord damage   Mr M McClelland

10.30-10.55  COFFEE BREAK

11.00-11.30  Subtle and manifest radiological signs of column and cord injuries  Dr V Pullicino

11.30-11.55  Nice guidelines in acute spinal injuries  Mr B Gardner

12.00-12.30  Incidence and causes of neurological deterioration following SCI  Mr N Todd

12.30-13.20  LUNCH  Management of the injured spine with and without neurological damage:  Significance of malalignment, canal encroachment and cord compression and need for further research  Professor W El Masri

14.00-14.25  Respiratory management of the tetraplegic and paraplegic patient  Mr N Kumar

14.25-14.50  Urological management of the SCI Patient  Mr J Chowdhury

14.50-15.00 Discussions

15.00-15.25 TEA BREAK

15.30-16.30  Multidisciplinary team management of multi-system physiological impairment and malfunction of patients with spinal cord injuries  A Lamb, B Warren, B Dytor, B Simmons, M Watkins

16.30-16.50  Bed capacity issues and CQC recommendations for patients with SCI  Mr F Jamil

16.50-17.00  Discussion and Closure