This is a comprehensive course designed for orthopaedic trainees (ST1 – ST4) and therapists/other healthcare professionals who have an interest in shoulder and elbow conditions. The course will be covering current concepts in shoulder and elbow treatments.
The format of the course is a combination of lectures with time allowed for questions and discussion; patient case presentations and a live surgery session. Suitable for physiotherapists and surgeons in training ST1 – ST3.
Topics to be covered include: A live surgery session; Patient case based presentations; Radiological investigation of shoulder pain; Frozen shoulder diagnosis and management; Anatomy biomechanics of the elbow; Nerve injuries around the shoulder and elbow with patient case presentations; Proximal humeral fractures; Assessment and surgery of rotator cuff tears; Shoulder replacement surgery.
The course fee covers all refreshments and the course dinner on Wednesday evening of the 6th July 2016 at a restaurant in Oswestry. There will be a trade exhibition.
Registration fee: £120
To book, visit Orthopaedic Institute