By: 28 July 2017
Preview: Bridging the gap at FFN Global Congress 2017

The Fragility Fracture Network of the Bone and Joint Decade welcome delegates to their 6th annual congress in Malmo this August. FFN President Henrik Palm introduces the congress.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

FFN invites you to join the 6th FFN Global Congress 2017 in Malmö, Sweden, from 24–26 August 2017.

The annual meeting is an international congress addressing the full pathway of care for fragility fracture patients. Themes this year include perioperative care, surgical treatment, rehabilitation, secondary prevention, research and policy change.

Preparations for the FFN Global Congress are well underway and the full programme with all individual presentations can be viewed online.

The FFN Global Congress consists of invited international experts, plenary discussions, update sessions and free papers. The congress provides a unique platform to learn about new technical developments, state-of-the-art procedures and interaction with leading clinicians, researchers and other professional health workers and stakeholders. This year’s motto is ‘Bridging the Gap’.

Once again many congress sessions will be arranged hand in hand with other societies focusing on the different areas of fragility fractures – which underlines the bridge building role of the FFN.

The FFN Special Interest Groups (Hip Fracture Audit Database, Vertical, Physiotherapy, Hip Fracture Research) each have a session, as will the FFN regionalisation, with help and information on how you can form your own local FFN.

For more continued congress information, please follow us on Twitter #FFNCongress2017.

We look forward to seeing you all at the 6th Global Congress in Malmö in August.

Henrik Palm,

FFN President

For more information about the event, including the scientific programme, abstracts and contact details, and to plan your trip to Sweden, visit: