5th Foot & Ankle Symposium
Tendinopathy Around the Foot & Ankle
Jury’s Inn, Middlesbrough
Friday 2 February 2018
Course Convenors:
Mr Rajiv Limaye –Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, North Tees and Hartlepool
Dr Peddada Raju –Consultant Radiologist, North Tees and Hartlepool
Dr Suresh Sridharan – Consultant Anaesthetist, North Tees and Hartlepool
Mr Nick Livadas – Clinical Specialist in Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Matters Ltd.
Ms Aimee Robson – Advanced Practice Physiotherapist, Connect Health
Ms Melanie Albrighton – Extended Scope Physiotherapist, Connect Health
Ms Lynsey Hetherington – MSK Lead Podiatrist, University Hospital North Tees
Programme: |
8:30am –8:55am |
Registration, Tea/Coffee |
8:55am–9:00am |
Welcome (MrLimaye) |
9:00am –9:20am |
Achilles Tendinopathy –Diagnosis and Conservative Management (Mr Livadas) |
9:20am –9:40am |
Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy and Conservative Pathways (Ms Robson) |
9:40am–10:00am |
MSK Triage Pathway for Other Foot & Ankle Patients (Ms Hetherington) |
10:00am –10:30am |
Tea/Coffee Break |
10:30am –11:15am |
Workshop 1:Current Advances in Physiotherapy for Tendinopathy Treatment (Mr Livadas, Ms Hethrington, ) |
11:15pm –12:00pm |
Workshop 2:Interesting Cases Panel (Mr Livadas, Ms Robson,Ms Albrighton, Mr Limaye and Dr Raju) |
12:00pm –1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00pm –1:30pm |
Radiological diagnosis of tibialis posterior and Achilles tendinopathy (Dr Raju) |
1:30pm–2:00pm |
Surgical Options After Failed Conservative Treatments in Tendinopathies (Mr Limaye) |
2:00pm–2:20pm |
Block Techniques for Foot and Ankle Surgery (Dr Sridharan) |
2:20pm –2:30pm |
Tea/Coffee Break |
2:30pm –3:15pm |
Workshop 3:US in Tendinopathy with 1patient(Dr Raju) |
3:15pm–4:00pm |
Workshop 4:Surgery Outcomes in Tendinopathy with 2 patients (Mr Limaye) |
4:00pm –4:15pm |
Final Discussion and Close |
Charge: £45 (incl. Registration, Lunch & Refreshments)
Any queries and to book, please contact:
• Rachael Graham on rgraham@trbchemedica.co.uk or call 07806 674425;
• Mr Rajiv Limaye on rajivlimaye8@googlemail.com or call 07939 071024.