By: 10 January 2018
New partnership announced to deliver an orthopaedics centre of excellence

Johnson & Johnson Managed Services and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust recently announced a new 15-year partnership to deliver an Orthopaedics Centre of Excellence at Guy’s Hospital in London.

Developed with the needs of patients at its heart, it reflects a joint commitment to improving the future of healthcare through innovation and collaboration.

The NHS is facing increasing resource challenges; by 2030 it is estimated that there will be around 15 million people in the UK over the age of 65. Two recent reports led by Lord Carter [1] and Professor Briggs [2] address these challenges with findings that aim to help the NHS improve efficiency and quality of care for patients, whilst reducing cost.

This new partnership between Johnson & Johnson Managed Services and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust is designed to optimise the standard of care for orthopaedic patients by addressing the challenges highlighted by Lord Carter and Professor Briggs and imple- menting some of the key recommendations in their reports.

As part of the Managed Services agreement, the orthopaedics centre at Guy’s Hospital will be expanded and redeveloped, meaning more patients will have access to services. Plans include the development of an additional operating theatre in year one and eight new state-of-the-art theatres by the end of year three. This Centre of Excellence will also provide a hub for education and training, and offer a dedicated space to facilitate leading-edge research to improve clinical outcomes for patients.

Johnson & Johnson Managed Services will also be responsible for streamlining the supply chain through a Managed Service agreement for the procurement of devices, surgical instruments and implants required for orthopaedic surgery which will improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Peter Earnshaw, Clinical Director of Surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The Johnson & Johnson Managed Services partnership will further increase the time that frontline clinicians can focus on patient care and enable us to identify opportunities to improve the supply chain. Through the development of new operating theatres, it will also increase capacity so we can treat more patients more quickly and will give our clinical teams opportunities to be at the forefront of new developments in orthopaedic care.”


References: 1. Operational productivity and performance in English NHS acute hospitals: Unwarranted variations, Lord Carter (2016)

  1. Briggs, T. (2014) Getting It Right First Time: Improving the Quality of Orthopaedic Care within the National Health Service in England