By: 9 February 2018
MeDe Innovation Annual Conference 2018 – a review

The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) in Sheffield was host to the fifth MeDe Innovation Annual Meeting in January this year, where over 150 delegates gathered to hear the latest developments in the changing landscape of design and manufacture for orthopaedic devices.

The programme was opened by Professor Paul Hatton who introduced the key note speakers, Dr Suzanne Halliday, Professor Tim Briggs and Professor Edward Draper, and their session ‘responsible innovation and the manufacture of medical devices.’

After a lively Q&A with the key note panel, Dr Jo Dixon Hardy chaired the very popular ‘poster pitch’ session, where 33 selected researchers were given 1 minute to present an outline of their poster before lunch. This was well received, and increased engagement with posters over the lunchtime networking session.

During the lunch break, delegates were offered the opportunity to view several videos created by our Early Career Researchers, describing their research and secondment experiences, as part of our ‘vlog like a pro’ competition.

The afternoon session provided an overview of each MeDe Innovation research theme, with presentation from both co-investigators and researchers, before concluding with Professor Paul Hatton awarding prizes for ‘best poster presentation’ and ‘most popular Vlog.’

Delegates were then offered the opportunity to take a guided tour of the AMRC before heading home.

For more information about MeDe Innovation, please visit: MeDe