By: 11 October 2018
10 January 2019, Principles of casting for orthopaedic trainees 2019; Glasgow

Taught by experienced clinicians and plaster technicians, this course will provide you with skills for upper and lower body casting.

With a maximum of 20 participants and a high delegate to tutor ratio, the course covers the theory of casting with multiple opportunities for hands on practical experience. This interactive course will provide you with clear instruction and a supportive environment to enhance your skills in casting. The programme is designed to allow adequate time to practice techniques following each demonstration.

Casting techniques covered include:

  • Below Elbow and Below Knee Back Slab
  • Below Elbow Volar Slab
  • Moulded Below Elbow/Colles Cast
  • Above Elbow and Above Knee Back Slab
  • Below Knee Moulded Cast
  • Equinus Anterior Slab

Who should attend?

  • Orthopaedic trainees
  • Orthopaedic AHPs
  • Nurses
  • FY2s

10 January 2019
Principles of casting for orthopaedic trainees 2019
Venue: Glasgow
T: 0141 465 7278