By: 18 April 2019
Orthopaedics in austere environments

The World Orthopaedic Concern (WOC) UK 6th annual conference will take place on 8 June 2019, at the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow

World Orthopaedic Concern (WOC) UK is a charitable organisation, which focuses on teaching and training in the
field of orthopaedics in low and middle income countries. They are also a specialist society of the British Orthopaedic Association.

WOC have projects in several countries, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Ghana and Guyana. Their conference this year will include lightning presentations of these projects, affording snapshots of their work across the world.

Goran Jovic, the only plastic surgeon in Zambia, is a guest speaker this year, and will talk on orthoplastic techniques for low resource settings.

This year, for the first time, there will be a dedicated session run by trainees, and WOC are delighted to have secured several very interesting talks by trainees, with a keen focus on research and clinical governance in the austere environment.

The prestigious Arthur Eyre-Brooke memorial medal is given for exceptional contribution to global orthopaedics, and this year WOC are excited to welcome Professor Chris Lavy, who will deliver the eponymous lecture before receiving his award.

In addition to these sessions, the conference also has
speakers talking about the Medical Training Initiative, which arranges for orthopaedic trainees from other countries to train in the UK for prescribed terms, on the challenge of sustainable technology in the austere environment, and on global health initiatives.

The conference is an ideal opportunity to meet and mingle with the UK orthopaedic community involved in developing world work, and is a good place to start for anyone interested in participating in our projects.

Registration is open on Eventbrite.

8 June 2019

World Orthopaedic Concern 6th Annual Conference

Venue: Glasgow

