By: 12 June 2019
28-31 October 2019, 10th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back Pain and Pelvic Girdle Pain; Antwerp

Welcome message

Welcome to the 10th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain held in Antwerp, Belgium. 

This series of programs, initiated in 1992 by Andry Vleeming and the late Vert Mooney aims to promote and facilitate interdisciplinary knowledge and to create a consensus on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic lumbopelvic pain.  Held every three years, this congress welcomes health care professionals, practitioners, academics, researches and policymakers from all continents. 

The theme of the 2019 World Congress is Applying the evidence to reduce disability.

Like the former 2016 Singapore congress, this program will be breaking away from the traditional mold of loosely related papers.

The objectives of the congress will be achieved in a four day program, starting Sunday, October 27th with pre-registration. Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st November will consist of formal ex cathedra, tightly coordinated lectures. These lectures are intended to present and debate what is reasonably known in the field.

Moderators and speakers chosen for their expertise in selected areas will summarize presentations, clearly delineate opposing views and attempt to reach a consensus. They will assist participants in evaluating the information presented. The program will be presented in the format of eight main sessions led by moderators and keynote speakers known for their expertise in selected areas.  This will be followed by eight parallel sessions that highlight topic specific research.  Eight primary subject areas will address the dominant theme and they include; anatomy and biomechanics, movement stability in lumbopelvic pain, pelvic girdle pain (diagnostics, risk factors and motor control), cognitive aspects of treatment, evidence based practice for low back pain along with diagnosis and treatment, connective tissue and the role of fascia and surgical management. 

The pre and post congress workshops will share clinician experience in the management of lumbopelvic pain. Poster presentations will illustrate the current worldwide research and innovative ideas in the field.

The congress is supported in cooperation with the Antwerp Convention Bureau, North American Spine Society (NASS), Department of Rehabilitation, Sciences and Physiotherapy University of Ghent Belgium, Vert Mooney Spine and Sport Foundation, as well as a wide array of academic societies from countries around the world.

We welcome you!

Andry Vleeming, Lieven Danneels

28-31 October 2019
10th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back Pain and Pelvic Girdle Pain
Venue: Antwerp, Belgium