Fundamentals for AI & ML in Orthopaedics and MSK
Following the success of the conference over the last two years, The British Orthopaedic Association are delighted to announce that the 2024 AI in Orthopaedics and MSK event will take place on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th December 2024 at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in London.
This year’s event will be held over two days and will follow a similar format to the previous meetings with instructional sessions. New this year will be more opportunity for break out meetings and discussion groups / networking.
The core presentations will take place in the ‘View’ on the 6th floor of RCS England with instructional sessions / practicals / discussion groups taking place in the break-out rooms on the same floor. Delegates will need to assign themselves to the appropriate break-out rooms depending on their experience.
Delegates with projects, particularly embryonic projects, are strongly encouraged to bring the project along with a view to undertaking coding under supervision.
For more details and to book your place, visit: BOA