Rex Bionics plc, the UK-based provider of specialist, hands-on neurological physiotherapy and rehabilitation technology services, are pleased to announce the launch by PhysioFunction of the UK’s first robot-assisted physiotherapy service using the REX technology.
During robot-assisted physiotherapy (RAP), REX lifts patients from a sitting position into a robot-supported standing position, allowing them to take part in supported walking and stretching exercises designed by specialist physiotherapists.
By enabling them to spend more time standing, walking and exercising, REX could offer significant health benefits for wheelchair-users, including improved cardiovascular performance, maintenance of joint range, and a reduction in infection. PhysioFunction will also act as a reference centre for the REX technology, collecting clinical data to demonstrate the benefits of the technology; it will also act as a test centre for wheelchair-users from the UK and overseas who are considering purchasing or leasing a REX.
PhysioFunction will provide regular outpatient clinics at the state-of-the-art Chris Moody Centre at Moulton College, Northamptonshire, on a private payer basis; and progressively at 14 other neurological physiotherapy facilities in the Midlands, London and Yorkshire.
Jon Graham, chief executive of PhysioFunction, said: “Exoskeletons offer significant benefits for the management of secondary complications for wheelchair users compared with conventional rehabilitation methods. REX offers additional benefits to the user, because unlike other exoskeletons which require the use of crutches or a walking frame for stability, it allows users to retain the use of their hands.”