From the website:
Cartilage Regeneration 2020 – Virtual Convention
On behalf of the ICRS Education Committee, we would like to invite you to join the FIRST VIRTUAL CONVENTION of the INTERNATIONAL CARTILAGE REGENERATION AND JOINT PRESERVATION SOCIETY (ICRS) entitled “CARTILAGE DEFECTS IN 2020 : JOINT BY JOINT BRAINSTORMING” that will be held in separate online sessions the 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th of October 2020. Our panel of experts and leaders in cartilage repair and regenerative medicine from around the world will discuss different hot topics in order to update your professional skills. Among the others: cartilage lesions diagnosis, prevention and regenerative treatments, growth factors and stem cells applications in orthobiologics and new surgical procedures to regenerate chondral and osteochondral defects of all main joints.
Who can benefit from the course? From a resident to a skilled orthopaedic surgeon with different specialisation (knee, shoulder, hip or ankle) this convention is directed to fulfil everyone’s interests and needs, being able to drive you through from the basics to the most complex cartilage surgical procedure, not forgetting the ultimate OA prevention opportunities offered by articular injections of growth factors and stem cells. The Convention will include five sessions: SHOULDER, HIP, KNEE, ANKLE and PECULIAR ADVANCED CARTILAGE REPARATIVE TECHNIQUES. Each session will include anatomical and biomechanical considerations driven by renown basic scientists followed by lectures on the different surgical techniques available and non-surgical treatments like orthobiologics injections, stem cells and others.
The ICRS Education Chair Fabio Valerio Sciarretta and ICRS Past-President Alberto Gobbi are honoured and pleased to invite you to the first ICRS VIRTUAL CONVENTION to actively participate and stimulate the interactive and live chatbox and final discussion time. Registration will open Mid August
See you all online!!
Fabio Valerio Sciarretta (IT) & Alberto Gobbi (IT), ICRS Virtual Convention Directors
For more information and to register, please visit: https://cartilage.org/virtual2020/